
The South Burlington Stormwater Utility is constantly working to maintain and improve the City’s stormwater management system. Regular maintenance, replacement of deteriorated infrastructure, new construction, and outreach are all part of the Stormwater Utility’s efforts to ensure the proper functioning of our stormwater system and keep our waterways healthy and clean.

Capital Projects

In order to address existing stormwater issues, the Stormwater Utility undertakes capital improvement projects. Some of these projects involve the replacement of deteriorated or undersized infrastructure like culverts, drainage pipes, and storm drains. Other projects improve water quality through construction of stormwater treatment practices (STPs). STPs include things like bio-retention areas, constructed wetlands, and detention ponds. Below are some of the capital improvement projects previously completed, or currently underway:

Stormwater System Maintenance and Repair

Harsh weather and other normal wear and tear damage stormwater infrastructure. Regular cleaning, inspection and repairs are required to keep the stormwater system operating properly. Below are some example stormwater maintenance and repair projects completed by the Stormwater Utility:

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Success Stories

The Stormwater Utility regularly inspects the stormwater system for illicit connections. These include pipes that were inappropriately connected to the stormwater system in the past such as sanitary sewer, workshop floor drains, and other pipes that contain water that must be treated prior to release to the environment. The Utility has successfully discovered and eliminated such problems through its Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) procedures. Below are some examples of the illicit discharges and illicit connections that have been discovered and corrected by the Stormwater Utility: