Highland Terrace Outfall Repair


Collected stormwater runoff was causing severe erosion at the end of a stormwater outfall pipe on Highland Terrace. Erosion undermines the stability of the soil around the outfall pipe and caused stormwater runoff to transport excess sediment to the stream.

Eroding drainage swale
Eroding drainage swale prior to the installation of a stone-lined channel


A stone splash pad was installed at the end of the outfall pipe to prevent scour. A rock-lined swale with stone check dams were installed to stabilize the soil in the channel and slow the flow of water enough to prevent future erosion. The surrounding area was reshaped, seeded and mulched to prevent further failure of the nearby bank.

stone splash pad at the end of the outfall pipe
Installation of a stone splash pad at the end of the outfall pipe will prevent scour and erosion
Rock-lined swale
Rock-lined swale


Sediment loading to Muddy Brook will be reduced. The bank along Highland Terrace has been stabilized. This project will prevent future damage to City stormwater drainage infrastructure and nearby private property.

Best Management Practices

Stone-lined channel, stone check dam


Summer 2009

Total Project Value


Funding Sources

Stormwater Utility Fund

Last Updated: 2/2010