Deane Street


The City of South Burlington Stormwater Utility received a grant from the Vermont Agency of Transportation to install an underground Stormwater treatment practice at the end of Deane Street. The project includes the design and construction of a stormwater infiltration basin within the City right-of-way (ROW) and drainage infrastructure to provide treatment of stormwater runoff form 2.38 acres of impervious surfaces.


Currently untreated stormwater runoff generated from a 7.46 acre drainage area, including 2.38 acres of impervious surface, discharges directly to the impaired Potash Brook near the intersection of Deane Street and Woodcrest Drive. This project was identified as part of the Potash Brook Flow Restoration Plan (FRP), prepared by the City of South Burlington, in an effort to reduce flows to the impaired Potash Brook and improve water quality in the Lake Champlain drainage area.


Based on HydroCAD modeling conducted by the consultant, the project could reduce the peak flow of the 1-year, 24-hour storm event by 56%, from 6.01 cubic feet per second (cfs) to 2.64 cfs.


The project was constructed in 2021.

Funding Sources

This project received funding support from the Transportation Alternatives Grant Program administered by VTrans. The remaining project costs were  paid using stormwater utility capital project funding.
