Bartlett Bay Road Culvert Replacement


This project consists of the replacement of an undersized culvert that carries North Brook underneath Bartlett Bay Road in South Burlington.

An approximately 210-acre drainage area drains to an existing 36” culvert, which backs up during heavy rain and causes a roadside swale west of the culvert to overflow at a low point in the road and drain toward Lake Champlain, occasionally causing major flooding and damage to adjacent properties

Previous Work Done

A culvert assessment was performed by Stantec in 2015, which provided the City with a recommended path forward to mitigate the flooding

The recommended upgrades included replacement of the culvert under Bartlett Bay Rd with a box culvert and construction of a relief culvert that would allow water to travel under Bartlett Bay Rd directly to Lake Champlain

An additional field assessment of the 36” culvert and downstream channel was completed by Stantec in 2019 in response to requests from residents, which laid out short to medium term options to mitigate issues

The City ultimately decided to pursue the long-term solution laid out in the 2015 report

Proposed Project

•In 2023, the City obtained grant funding from the Vermont Agency of Transportation for $300,000 to replace the 36” culvert under Bartlett Bay Rd

•In the summer of 2024, the City engaged with Stantec to provide final engineering design services


•Fall 2024: Finalize contract with Engineer

•Summer 2025: Preliminary Plans

•Spring 2026: Final Plans

•Summer 2026: Construction

Future Work

In conjunction with replacing the undersized culvert, the City is also looking to obtain an easement from a one of the private property owners at the corner of Bartlett Bay Road, to allow for a relief pipe to be installed.