The Ledge Knoll neighborhood consists of 58 properties that total to 7.85 acres of impervious area. This neighborhood falls within the Potash Brook watershed and was previously permitted under expired Permit #2-0220. The City is working with their engineer to design a stormwater treatment practice to meet the standards set by the 3-9050 permit, as well as goals set by the Potash Brook Flow Restoration Plan.
Initial Notice of Intent
Conceptual Design
The conceptual design for this project is a dry detention basin and gravel wetland. The primary dry detention basin will capture and settle water prior to dispersal into the gravel wetland to prevent flooding in larger storm events. This project also proposes to reconfigure the existing infrastructure along Knoll Circle and Dubois Drive to allow for more impervious area to be captured and conveyed to the propose treatment location to the north of the project site.
In 2021, the City received a loan from the State with 100% loan forgiveness to complete the engineering design associated with the State Stormwater General Permit 3-9050. This is one of 12 projects that the City is managing under this funding. More information on compliance with the 3-9050 permit can be found here:
Last updated: 9/18/2024